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Buddy Salad

By February 27, 2019 Pet Memorials

5/20/2007 – 3/11/2018

Buddy Salad came from the streets & loved life despite his health issues. Coffee Road Animal Hospital was his favorite place to be! He was always very happy & vocal while visiting his friends at the vet! His life ended with a smile on his face & a kiss on the hand. No more pain, lumpy face or immobile legs. He was the sweetest guy & it took his passing for me to realize just how much he’s taught us. To share the joy of loving with everyone you meet. To be happy & enjoy each day, despite your circumstances. To show love to those who are feeling down. To be silly & make someone smile, just because. That time flies by so make each day count. You should be nice to everyone, but it’s ok to bark at those who are trying to hurt you. Time spent watching the clouds move, the birds fly & the wind blow is time well spent. And to never complain until you just can’t take it anymore. Buddy Salad, you have helped us way more than we’ve helped you. Thank you for being you the past 10 years. You truly are an angel. 

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