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By February 27, 2019 Pet Memorials

Morley Family

12/99 – 1/23/2012

To My Dearest Family:

Please don’t suffer for me. My life with you was incredible, particularly since I came to you as a stray running cold winter streets. I am so grateful for the effort you spent in easing my last weeks. How I felt your love! I must admit though, I have always had a special bond with dad and mostly just wanted to be by his side. I was so grateful that before crossing the rainbow bridge Dad got to hold me in his arms. I know you thought it was hard, but I was comforted. I wish I could have played more with you during the last years, but alas my body couldn’t keep up with my spirit. As soon as you get here I will be waiting (with Lancelot, Sadie McJiggers, Homer, and Fred), and we will run as fast as the wind and I’ll shower you with my kisses. Until then, love the rest of the pack as you have loved me.

Byron (your little buddy Bdog)

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