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By February 27, 2019 Pet Memorials

Debi Ruedy

June 14, 1998 – June 20, 2014

My dear sweet Maddie, I feel like you were here today and gone tomorrow so I had no time to prepare for the sudden loss of you! 🙁 And I’m reeling now with nothing to hold on to but the memory of you! But I do have so many beautiful memories to cherish~16 years worth but yet it just still never seems to be enough time together. But I do feel extremely blessed that God brought you to me so I could save you from the uncertainty and sometimes dangerous life of an outdoor feral kitty. But when I think of it today I feel perhaps you saved me and brought such purpose, joy and love into my life and made our family complete for which I’ll always be grateful for! 🙂 Yes parting is such bittersweet sorrow but I know I’ll see you again so save a place for me! My love always~Mama’s right here… ~♥~

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