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By February 27, 2019 Pet Memorials

Linda Hamer

12/2004 – 12-2013

Seamus was a beautiful Irish Wolfhound, one of the tallest dogs on the planet. He went with me so many places and since he was so big and unusual looking, he always caused a bit of a scene wherever we went. Due to his large size (and his 191 pounds) many people wanted to know if he was mean. Of course not – who would want a dog that big that was mean? Seamus was a good, kind, benevolent and “correct” dog, as are most of his breed. He accepted all who came before him, from toddlers to wiggling, slurping puppies to other adult dogs. He accepted them all with dignity. He may not have approved (those puppies!), but he always accepted.

Seamus had three names – his call name (Seamus), his AKC name, Kerryarc Ruckus O’Blarneystone, and his out and about name, OH MY GOD! He actually answered to Oh my God because he heard it several times every time we went shopping or traveling together. We would be walking along and he would hear “Oh my God” and would always turn around to see who was calling him. He never knew people were just remarking on his huge size, not calling him!

Seamus was the dog of my dreams, the dog of my heart and the dog I had waited nearly 50 years to have. Seamus, I will miss you forever and please, dear boy, wait for me at the rainbow bridge.

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