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By February 27, 2019 Pet Memorials

Rodney Springer

Weenie was a wonderful pet. She was loyal to her family in the extreme ( to both the humans and the dogs in the family). She gave comfort and support freely. She was kind and gentle, but at the same time fearless and brave.She loved and protected her family members when necessary. She was always up for a road trip to the beach or to the mountains- never complaining about long trips in the car! She was my constant companion every morning and every evening. She slept near me every night and during car rides, always wanted to sit on my lap and help me drive! She was always positive and upbeat, always looking forward to the next adventure. She thought of herself as invincible and immortal. I thought of her that way myself. So, I choose to believe that her spirit is now with God and that she is running happily and freely, while playing with the angels. Weenie died on my lap on May 23, 2011. Just before she died, I asked her to save me a place in Heaven at her side. I loved her dearly and miss her terribly. She will always have a big space in my heart and in my memories.

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