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By June 14, 2019 Pet Memorials
Thailyn Winslow January 2008- May 20 2019. 
Owner: Krystynn Winslow 
Thailyn was the greatest Best friend and companion I ever had. Thai has been through our journeys of ups and downs, and when it was hard I always looked at her and she would bring back a light of love and smiles in our faces. Thai Lived her life the fullest, she enjoyed going on family outings, camping, small road trip‘s and a lifetime of chasing gophers. The most important memories I am going to miss about my beloved dog Thai is, when I would come home late at night opening my doors she would hear me jingle my keys and she would waited and greeted me with her nose sticking out of the door and kisses. I will always love you and I’m going to miss you the most.

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