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By April 17, 2020 April 20th, 2020 Pet Memorials

Lilly chose me. I had walked past the kennels of dogs at the pet store so many times and had never even thought of adopting a dog.  The pups were all jumping and yipping at the front of the pen they were in, but my eyes were drawn to this older dog just sitting against the back wall watching the people walk by. When our eyes met, neither of us could look away. At that moment I knew that she was destined to be my dog and that she had chosen me to be her human. I adopted her on the spot. We lived a wonderful life together until a bladder tumor was discovered November 21, 2018, and I was told that she had 2-6 months to live; this was confirmed by the oncologist I took her to in Fountain Valley. Thanks to Dr. Michel’s phenomenal veterinary wisdom and care Lilly lived almost 17 months!  I will always be thankful to Dr. Michel and the staff at Coffee Road Animal Hospital for all of the love and care they gave to Lilly. I was Lilly’s official mom, but the staff became her surrogate moms whenever she was there for a treatment or boarding.  Thank you to all of you for everything you always did for both of us….you became our extended family.

Cheryl Cook

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