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Wilson’s Amazing Grace (Gracie)

By February 27, 2019 Pet Memorials

Carolyn Wilson

Female, June 2007 – August 18, 2017

Gracie was a joy to our family. She had an independent streak, and she loved exploring all over the 5 acres we live on. She had a special way of talking to us, she could speak, roll over, shake hands, and rub-a –tummy. She was my constant companion, and I knew that whether I was having a rough day or a great day my sweet Gracie would be right by my side. She loved romping with the grandchildren and loved receiving attention from anyone that was willing to give it to her. We had 10 wonderful years with her, but it wasn’t long enough. She was our beloved Gracie, and she left her paw prints on our hearts forever. RIP Gracie, you will live forever in our hearts.

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